Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hello faithful readers (aka Chera, Anna and Mom). I'm not sure how much of a post this is going to be. Earlier in the semester I would write posts during the lecture portion of this class (because the prof. is a VERY boring lecturer). Now we are doing writing workshops during the entire class and it's a lot more interesting. So I'll try to get a post written, but it might not cover much.

Ok, let's start with gymnastics. The co-worker who had been causing trouble has been fired. It's a real shame that things worked out that way, because she had the ability to be a really great teacher. But she simply wouldn't follow directions and refused to act professionally in front of the parents. So now she is gone. The end result is that we are very short handed, but classes have actually been going very well. We've hired a new teacher who is still in training but I've been very pleased with her work so far. I think she'll be a great replacement. Hopefully once we get her trained a little more I can go back to working with team a little more.

School is very close to finished for the semester. We've got our first meeting for our full time internship next semester coming up tomorrow. It's hard to believe I'm finishing my last semester of formal classes. I think next semester is going to be a very big stretch for me but I think I'm really going to learn a lot.

Jason talked to me Monday night about a mission trip he is getting together for next summer that would be two weeks of teaching English camps in China. It would be a really, really cool trip. Plus I could be a big help, since I've got a lot of experience in that exact type of thing. It'd be a chance to visit China, which I have wanted to do for a long time. But it's exactly at the same time as the trip to the Phillippines that the Browns are planning. And then it throws a wrench in plans for Taiwan next summer as well. And it costs $3,000. Plus I still don't know if I can even do anything overseas next summer...I might have to do pre-training for whatever job I got. Soo....pray for direction for me.

Wow...I just realized something. Sunday I asked my Sunday School class to pray that I would get direction for next summer...Monday Jason brings up a totally new mission trip that I hadn't even considered. Is this a sign? I don't know... I'll have to pray. And talk to Mom and Dad and my siblings...

Monday I taught a lesson for one of my methods classes. It was a lot of fun. The teacher said she wanted something that would hook the class, so I opened by doing a two board elbow break. I played it for everything it was worth and then used that to have my classmates write about it...from there we went on and talked about point of view. I think folks enjoyed the lesson.

I'll be posting my short story from this writing class soon. I've got a few errors I have to fix first...then you folks will be able to view it in all of it's glory.

I've started working more on my juggling in the past month or so. I'm starting (just starting) to get a handle back on five clubs. And my four club tricks need a lot of work...a lot. Last summer I realized my juggling has really fallen from where it used to be and unless I do something it will get to the point that I'm not performance ready even with basic stuff.

Did I mention my big project for this coming summer? I'm going to learn to play the guitar. I'm going to learn a bunch of chords and how to use them to lead a song. I don't really enjoy playing music but having watched Daniel and Megan make really good use of guitar in their ESL classes I have decided it is a skill I should gain.

Ok, I'm logging off now. Talk to you folks later.