Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm getting excited about next summer. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing or where I'm going to be, but from what I know I'm already excited. I'm going to learn the basics of playing guitar. Odd as it may seem, I'm actually looking forward to that. I like to kid myself that I'm at least slightly more mature now than I was at the age of 12, so hopefully I just might have enough perseverance to actually practice.

My other big plan for the summer is to start some serious study of wrestling and grappling. Ideally I will find a place to learn bjj. My goal has always been to get my black belt in karate and then try to learn more about fighting on the ground, and now that I've actually got the belt I'm getting pretty excited about learning something really different.

Last night Anna and I went to an end-of-semester party that some fellow English majors at NSU got together. It was at a bar...not exactly my first choice for a place to get together with friends but I don't have any moral objections to it. The funny thing was that when we walked in I had to show my id, but they let Anna just walk right in!

Why is it that some of the best music has some of the worst lyrics? I love the song "Undead" by Hollywood Undead. I really, really like that style of music. So why do the lyrics have to be so incredibly trashy?

I turned in my two weeks notice on Thursday for my weekend job. I'll miss working with Donald and Corky, but of course I'll still stop by their house now and then and visit them. Since I'm gong to be working forty hours a week with my internship and still coaching in the evenings I don't think I could really keep that job. There are only so many hours in a week.

I'm looking forward to being back at karate class full time on Monday nights. I haven't been able to go to first class and help teach all semester because I had a class until 7:10. Now I'll actually be able to help teach again. I talked to Luke a few weeks ago about the kids program and I think sometime soon he and I and Josiah are going to talk to Mr. Murry about making a couple changes to the program. I know Mr. Murry's heart is in the right place but I really hope he let's us make these changes, 'cause I feel we're being very hampered by a couple of things. (how was that for being vague?)

Well, a friend is throwing a Christmas party that is starting in about 20 minutes, so I probably should see about getting my shoes on. Y'all have a great Christmas!