Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Have you ever placed your hands on the keyboard and started typing away, only to look at the screen and realize that one of your hands was just a little bit off center and hyomh zdifrm;u nrvs,,;u trs;;u dytsmhr N fpm
y eptfu snpiy oy nrvsidr yjrm upi trs;oxr yjsy mpnpfu od hpomh yp trsf oy smuesu/?

I have not coached gymnastics camps for about four years. I've been spending my summers in Taiwan, and didn't have the chance to do much coaching. So this is my first summer in quite some time to coach. I'm loving it.

For years I have wanted to be the TAG level four coach. For various reasons, I have never been able to have that job. Now, the last summer that I work at Gymnastics City, I finally get that job. I have a group of level threes who want to move to level four, plus a couple level fives that I work with each day. In just the week and a half of camp so far I've seen some good improvements. On top of that, I've been working with the higher level gymnasts a fair amount on bars, and I'm really enjoying that.

Another thing I am enjoying very much is posting a new picture every day on my newly created flickr page. It's certainly challenging me to find and take interesting pictures that are worthy of posting.

And now I need to go to bed.


BonnieJean said...

It wasn't just one hand that was off, it was two. And maybe you should have worried...

"gting Sudenly becammly really strange B don't wordy about it because then you realize that nobody is going to read it anyway."

...I took Dr. Lang's Cryptology course! Mwuah-ha-ha-ha!


Samuel said...

Haha...I should of thought about that before posting it.