Thursday, July 23, 2009

I got a job!

Two years ago I did an internship at Liberty High school. It was just an eight day event, but I enjoyed working with the teachers I was with and learned a lot. A few weeks ago I saw a posting for a job there, so I sent in my resume. Last week they asked me out for an interview and Monday I was offered a job! I actually signed the contract Tuesday! I'm going to be in the same room I interned in. I'll be teaching 7th, 9th and 11th grade English. I have a SmartBoard too, which is really cool!

It's a 50 minute drive one way. :( I don't like that. But I'll live. I'm employed!


Janet said...

Employment! Ahhh!!

Chera said...

Yay! I knew you would land something. It was only a matter of time. :-)

BonnieJean said...

Smartboards are absolutely awesome! =D