Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ok, here are my thoughts on UFC 100.

First of all, to those claiming that this is not a great card...what on earth do you want? Two titles, GSP, Mir, Alves, Lesnar, Henderson, Bonner, Colemen, Jones (wow!), Fitch...what else do you want? About all that's missing is Fedor (which you'll never see), Randy (fighting soon), Silva (fighting soon), Penn (fighting soon), Griffin (fighting soon) and Royce himself. They can't throw every single fighter in the cage in one night, what would they do for 101? Is it the best card ever? Probably not, but we can't know 'til the fights are over. Quite belly aching and enjoy it.

Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir (chapter 2)

Yes, Lesnar is a freaking huge man. Yes, he is an incredibly fast learner. Yes, he has a very good chance of keeping that belt. But my money on Mir. In the UFC, Lesnar has defeated Herring, who isn't exactly a standout and Randy Courture. Randy is an amazing man, no doubt, but he's no heavy weight. And Randy was beating him until that one shot landed. While I think Lesnar will be in MMA for a while and will soon be an amazing fighter, I don't see that he's had the time to come up to the level he needs to for a fighter like Mir. A couple years of BJJ defense training aren't going to cut it against somebody like Mir. On top of that, Mir actually does have the strength to withstand Lesnar. No, he won't over power him, but if he fights smart and uses his strength correctly, he can keep the fight from turning into what we saw with Randy.

I'm hoping they decide to stand and we get to see Mir display more of that boxing we saw against Nogueira. But I am predicting a second or third round sub due to a heal hook. I hope Lesnar doesn't get hurt, because he honestly has incredible potential.

Random fact: Herring is the dude who knocked out that guy for kissing him during the pre-fight stare down in K-1. That's like my favorite MMA clip of all time. check it out

Georges St-Pierre vs. Thiago Alves

GSP by 4th round stoppage. It's very difficult to beat a guy who trains like GSP. But Alves has a pretty darned good chance.

Dan Henderson vs. Michael Bisping
Henderson by early third round KO. Bisping drops to feather weight. Fast forward six months: Silva again destroys Henderson.

Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Alan Belcher
Don't know enough about these fighters to call it. From what I hear it will be a great fight.

Jon Fitch vs. Paulo Thiago
Fitch. The guy is tough.

Mark Coleman vs. Stephan Bonnar
Ok, I see why this fight is've got to make a nod to the past during UFC 100. So if you're going to throw in an old man with only half a lung...why not let some of the younger blood use him as a stepping stone? Bonnar was totally unable to handle Jon Jones (wow!) in his last fight, but nobody wants to see the other half of Griffin/Bonner to leave. So this should work well for him. If only Bonnar would show improvement in his fighting like Griffin has done.

Jon Jones (wow!) vs. Jake O'Brien
Yes, in my mind the "(wow!)" is part of the guy's name. The fight against Bonnar was unreal. From what I've read, O'Brien is simply a wrestler...and Jones (wow!) is a better wrestler. The only problem I have with Jones (wow!) is he seemed to tire a bit in the Bonnar fight. He needs to be sure to work on his cardio a TON. With his fighting style, he'll need it.

Oh, and btw...I'm seriously hoping and praying that Florien takes the belt. Then Penn will lay on the mat and throw a kicking, screaming fit until his mother comes and takes him off to bed, promising to call her lawyer in the morning. Then maybe White will be so embarressed he'll never let him step foot a UFC cage again.


Anonymous said...

Whoa! You are totally into to UFC aren't you?! My dad likes it too.

Anna said...

OK, post the results and let us know how accurate your predictions were!

BonnieJean said...

Wait. Where'd this Florien come from? You haven't mentioned a "Florien" anywhere earlier in the post, and now you're suddenly hoping he'll take the belt?

I'm so confusered.

Samuel said...

I'm sorry your confused. Florien is fighting for the light weight belt against BJ Penn at UFC 101 next month. Florien is a great guy and Penn is a cry baby, so I'm really hoping Florien wins.

BonnieJean said...

Aha! Thank you. =)