Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Sorry I've not updated in a while. School has been keeping me quite busy.

Dad left last Sunday. A group of bikers showed up and gave him a hero's send off. It was very special. I just found out on Friday that one of my student's dad is in the same location as mine...I'll have to let him know about that.

Saturday night my friend Jason and his family came over. Then a fellow just down the road got a flat, so we ended up spending about an hour and a half helping him out. The spare was chained and locked in place, so we had to get a bolt cutter to cut the chain. We called almost everyone we could think of, and finally Brother Tobbie from church offered us his. So we drove out and got that, then got the tire loose, then had to re-inflate it. But we had fun just hanging out doing it, so it was fun.

Classes are going well. We are reading the book "Killing Mr. Griffon" with the 9th grade classes and they seem to be enjoying it quite a bit. I've got one seventh grade class that is becoming quite a challenge...I'm hoping to get that under control soon. I'm cracking down pretty hard on them right now.

Stokton's birthday party out at Blue Hole was a blast, but I got a bad sun burn. Next time I'll remember to apply sunscreen!

I'm getting off now. I've got to get stuff ready for classes tomorrow.


Janet said...

I'm glad that I am able to understand all of your post this time-- no fighting stats!!