Friday, July 02, 2004

Hello my rabid fans. I am here to satisfy your craving for that wonderful, charming, awesome presence known as Samuel.

Recently that awesome presence has had some cool stuff happen to him (which he, of course, deserved by nature of his wonderful, charming and awesome presence).

Ok, ok, anyway, a few weeks ago I was reading Prov. 3 and thinking about how it seems like my life is going nowhere at about nine-hundred forty-six mile an hour. And I read verse 6. Now it seems I've read that verse about eighty-million times "In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." But this time it jumped out at me. "Direct thy paths." That's exactly what I need! I really, really, REALLY need to have my paths directed! So I started looking for ways to acknowledge God in all my ways...and came up pretty blank. How do you go about acknowledging God as you say "Crawl off the trampoline backwards"? How do you acknowledge God as you ask Ethan if he's seen your polo shirt? It sounds so easy until you start getting specific and practical. But I tried whatever I could think of...asking God for his protection and guidance whenever I went somewhere, spending more time meditating on Scripture rather than just reading it. That Sunday a girl at church mentioned a job opening at a hotel not far from here. I went in on Monday and talked to the lady about: it turns out she is VERY good friends with the girl who refered me and I got the job that night! She said that she had a whole stack of applications on her desk, but she hired me anyway! So I started training last week and I'm working tonight, tomorrow and fourty hours next week! God is so awesome!

Last night we watched Freaky Friday. It was ok. Not awesome, but ok.

I'm testing for my blue belt on Monday night! YEA! I'm so excited! Last Monday I was fighting Mr. Foster (purple belt of the killer backfist) and I wasn't wearing my mouthgaurd. I HATE mouthgaurds. You can't talk and you spend half your time taking it out and putting it back in. So anyway, I throw a reverse punch, and he deflects it and comes right back with a ridge my mouth. My upper lip got caught on my braces, so I went into the bathroom to get it untangled. Well, it was so mashed and mangled up that I couldn't get it loose, so I had to tear it off, which wasn't very fun. Now I've got a piece of skin hanging from my lip that's driving me nuts. I'm thinking we'll probably end up going to the Dr. to have it taken off.

Summer camps at Gymnastics have been a blast so far. Monday I got kicked in the jaw while spotting a back hand spring. It wasn't any big deal (getting kicked is just part of teaching back hand springs) but later that day it started to swell and really hurt. Mom sent me to the chiroprator (sp?) and he helped some, but it's still sore. Oh well, I'll live.

Got to go now! Bye, my rabid fans!