Tuesday, July 20, 2004


I can't believe it!  And you probably won't either.  But, in spite of that, last night I beat Brittany G, 5 to 4.  Yea!  Now, I must admit that she hasn't been fighting much for about the past two months, but it is still quite an feat to have beaten her.  To say the least I am extremely, extremely thrilled. 
BonnieJean is coming home on Friday!  I can't wait!  She was supposed to be home last Sunday, but they have really managed to mess up her ticket situation.  That means she'll only be home for five weeks instead of six.  Rats.  I'm trying to maintain a Christian attitude towards those people. 
Did I tell y'all that I'm now working at Microtel?  I'm working behind the front desk.  It's a pretty cool job.  Oh, yea, I just remembered...I did tell y'all. Anyway, I'm enjoying it.  Today we had training for our new computer soon as I figured out the old one we're getting a new one!  Debra, the manager, is awesome. 
Here's something I wrote about a week and a half ago. 

Hello there. I'm going to see how much I can get written in 12 minutes.
Monday I tested for my blue belt. It went very well. I messed up on one of the self defenses (front bear hug, arms pinned). And I had trouble with my 180 back spin crescent kick. And my three on one and four on one plural fights didn't go so well. But other than that it was pretty good. Breaking went very good. I broke four boards in three seconds! Yea! It's supposed to be in under five seconds, but few people actually do it that quick. So I was pretty happy with that.
Before the test I told Anna that I wanted to fight Mr. Murry, Steven and Brittany for my three one on one fights. Well, instead I got to fight Philip, Steven and Mr. Murry, which was just about as good. I did fairly good against Philip (he's been out of karate for a few months due to his wedding, but is still a much better fighter than me). I did ok against Steven (he wiped the ground with me, of course). He did kick me in the face pretty hard one time, and cut up my mouth a little bit, but it wasn't bad enough to stop the fight. I did pretty poorly fighting Mr. Murry. It was my third fight and I was started to get kinda tired and I had trouble closing the gap and being fast with my hands. Still, it went ok. Then I did my two on one plural fight: Josh and Brittany (both black belts) fought me for that. They beat me, 5 to 3. Three on one and four on one didn't go very good at all. I made one point in each fight and was hammered pretty good. Oh well. Mr. Murry said I passed though! Which is very cool!
After class I showed Jason some of the trick breaks I've been working on. I'm not sure if I told y'all, but I asked him about me being on the demo team a few weeks ago and he said I should work on trick breaks. So anyway I showed him the unsupported high round knife hand, half supported hammerfist and half supported palm heal. I'll be showing him the other breaks next Monday. He didn't give any indication of what he thought, so I guess I'll just wait and see.
We've only got two more days of summer camps left at Gymnastics City.  I can't believe it's over so soon.  Ethan is taking the trampoline mini-camp this week and learning quite a bit.  Jamie (Miss Tucker's daughter) is teaching it and she is awesome.  Ethan's almost got his back drop into punch front.  He also started working on his back hand spring on trampoline and for the first time actually made some progress with it. 
Man, the little guys (read everybody but Anna and Naomi actually) have behaved very poorly tonight.  I've had to send them all to bed already!  When Mom get's home I'm going to have quite a report to give!  (Mom is at a mom's meeting with our home school group).  
Ok, I've got to get off now.  I'll try to update again soon.  Bye!