Monday, January 30, 2006

Ok, I really should be writing my "one year in Taiwan" post. The 25th marked one year living here in Taiwan. But I'm not going to. It will have to wait until later. Right now I'm going to just fill out a mindless internet survey (you can blame Chera for this one...)

Three Names You Go By
帥哥 (handsome guy)
橘色的那個 (the orange thing)

Three Things That Scare You
Dead bugs
I got REALLY scared when I heard that Anna, Ethan, Naomi and Joshua had been in a wreck.
I honestly can't think of a third thing. I'm just too oblivious to be scared.

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
金城國中 school bag (carry all my stuff in it).
Chinese home work.

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
Bright hunter orange jacket (from whence I get name #3...honestly, people around here call me "the orange thing")
Cool watch I bought at the night market in Taipie.
Green braclet given me by a Jr. high student of mine...I wear it all the time to remind me of Jr. high.

Three People You Admire
John the Baptist
Andrew (our team leader)
Mr. Murry (karate teacher)

Three Things You Want in a Relationship

Two Truths and a Lie
I just had hot pot with Megan and Ginger for super.
I didn't go to bed last night until 5:15
I just spent $10000000000000 on a new computer

Three Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You
A girl who can take a solid hit and keep coming (Anna, Brittany, Alica and those two girls over at Burnett's dojo)
Deep thinker
A slightly crazy side

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies

Three Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now
See my family!
Teach Jr. High
Get the scholarship I'm trying to get at RSU

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation
I want to fly to 台中, rent a moped and just drive for a week. Take whatever road seems fun, stop were it seems good and just see some of Taiwan.
Tokoyo Japan to visit my friends there
Thialand (might be going there next month...we'll see how it works out).

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
Master Chinese and Taiwanese
Become a karate master...not a higher belt (although that would be cool) but to trully be a master in the sense that Mr. Murry is.
See a revival in Kinmen.

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically a Male or Female
I love to spar
I never look in a mirror
I hate to shave