Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey there. Camp is going pretty well. I've got two kids on my team that need to have their read ends beaten on about a every half hour basis. And Daniel told me this afternoon that the boys on my team have the combined IQ of soybeans (I told him that he shouldn't talk like that about soybeans).

Other than that, yea, things are going good. I actually am having a good time. I have several good kids on my team. I'm enjoying hanging out with Daniel. Laura is a great TA.

The highlight of the week has been seeing Cindy again. Cindy was the first friend I made in Taiwan. She's a 4th grader who's grandmother lives near the school. Last year I woul hang out with her and her cousins in the evening and play cards or juggle. I was really, really hoping that she would be here again this year and she is! And she remembered me too! That was really cool! The other cool thing is that I can talk to her now. Last time I couldn't say a word in Chinese.

Our boss, Sandy, is really, really weird. Afraid that the children might not be going to the restroom often enough, she told all the kids that not only were they required to go poop every day, but that said poop must be 13 cm long.