Saturday, February 11, 2006

Camp is over.

Samuel is tired.

Samuel is happy.

Samuel is hungry.

Samuel has a week off before school starts.

Samuel is really, really happy about that.

Samuel just applied for a scholarship that will get him a totally free ride at RSU. He really wants to get it.

Samuel saw the plan for summer camps and thinks they could be really good.

Samuel just saw an interesting survey thing on his sisters blog and decided to post it on his as well.

1. From where you are sitting right now, list an object that is one of each of the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and black.

Red: DRIED CRANBERRIES!!! Found some of them at a store in ε—ζŠ•. Very happy. I also just learned that I can have my friend in Taipie buy big bags of cranberries and send them to me...I'm very happy. There aren't very many really STRONG flavors over here. Orange: My bright, bright hunter orange jacket. I am known around Kinmen as "the orange guy" for always wearing this jacket. Yellow: The cover of the 城中 year book. I miss my kids from there. Green: My green towel. Randy bought it for me when I first came to Taiwan and realised I hadn't brought a towel with me. Blue: My camera case. But it's kinda dirty blue right now...that camera has been a lot of places. Purple: La Caffe cup! I love going to La Caffe and practicing Chinese. White: My ergonomic keyboard! I hate those straight keyboards! Black: My computer. I've got a guy coming on Monday to work on's got this problem of randomly restarting...very annoying.

2. What color do you wear most often? Why?

Tie-dye! Why? Because it's fun!

3. What color are your eyes? What color do you wish they were?

Brown. I'm happy with them. I wouldn't want bright blue...that scares a lot of the kids over here.

4. What color is your desktop image?

Mostly red. It's a picture of a rock and the water that I took last week down at the beach.

5. What colors are you walls and floor?

The floor is white with black speckles...and lots of laundry. We just got back from Taiwan yesterday and I haven't done laundry yet. Walls are white and the paint is falling off and the concrete has some cracks in it...they're going to have to repaint these dorm rooms soon.

Samuel will post about winter camps later. Bye!