Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Did I mention that I cut my hair? I've been growing it out for a little over a year and it was almost long enough that I could pull it back into a pony tail. I actually liked it quite a bit, but I had to cut it for two reasons. Firstly, I'm doing an internship at a local school, and it struck me that I might be applying for a job at that school in less than 8 months. So I need to look professional. Second, I can't deal with my hair in my face for twenty minutes of fighting as I test for my black belt and it wasn't going to be long enough to pull back and keep back.

So now my hair is short again. It feels strange.

I'm sitting in my creative writing class trying not to let my mind turn off. Many people complain that a teacher has a "monotone" voice and puts you to sleep. I've never met one of those teachers and have actually found that most of them do have something interesting to say. But I think I've finally found that guy they keep talking about...he's the most boring teaching I've ever had.

I'm probably going to post my short story on here sometime soon...there's a couple more things I want to tweak before I put it up though.

Let's belt pre-test. Overall it went well. Mr. H seemed happy with my empty hand kata. My bo kata needs work on a couple technical areas but they said I was doing it with good power. I got lost on my sword kata...don't know how that happened. I know that kata quite well. So I need to work on it more and fix a couple technical things as well. But Mr. Murry said I made him proud, which is cool! Test is in three weeks.

We've got a lot of new teachers at gym, plus a ton of new students with the new term starting just a few weeks ago. I'm working mostly with the team these days but I keep finding myself running over to the classes for a few minutes at a time to fix things. I'm going to be doing a training session for the new teachers on Thursday after class, because there's just so many things they don't realize they're doing wrong.

Now the teacher is telling a story he's already told last week...I'm hungry.