Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yesterday I walked into the woman's restroom and didn't even realize it. That must be a sign of being too busy. I stood for a moment in the middle of the room, wondering why there wasn't a urinal on the wall. You would think that would have tipped me off. It didn't. It wasn't until I was buckling my belt and a lady walked into the room that I finally connected all the dots.

It's funny what happens when a member of the wrong gender walks into the restroom. There's this slight little pause while both people stare at each other in shock and wonders if they are in the wrong bathroom or if the other person is.

Sunday morning we did I Cor. 13 in children's church. We only got through the first 4 verses, but we re-wrote each verse in our own words and talked about practical applications in their life. Next Sunday we'll be using the Roman Road to learn how to present the Gospel to a friend...killing two birds with one stone, 'cause the unsaved will hear the Gospel at the same time!

Tonight I'm teaching a short grammar lesson in one of my methods classes. I'm going to be teaching about prepositional phrases. It should be interesting.

Tomorrow we are getting high-speed wireless at our house. Yea!

A week and a half 'til my black belt test. I don't actually have anything to say about it, but it is taking up so much of my time and thoughts right now that it only seems right to mention something about it here. I should get a count-down timer for it or something.

Oh, btw, if any of y'all who are close enough want to go watch the test you are free to do so. It's out in Jennings, OK and starts at 11 am on Oct. 4th.

Ok, I've got to go now. Bye people!