Friday, January 16, 2009

No, I am not battling depression and coming close to suicide. I am, however, enjoying stuff from with all of my being. The cruel judgmentalist in me finds a lot to laugh at in this particular poster.

So, two weeks down, only 14 to go in my full internship! Things have been going quite well. According to the suggested timeline for this internship, I am supposed to begin teaching next week. Haha. I started teaching the second day. We're a little bit ahead of schedule but Mrs. Deweese agrees that I would probably go stir crazy if I just had to sit and watch her teach for two weeks. She did give me a complement though by saying that, "Of course if you couldn't teach it wouldn't matter how bored you got! But since you can teach, it's fine."

With regards to the whole grammar side of things...I feel like I am mostly prepared for what we're doing. Grammar, as you guys know, is not my strong point, nor do I feel that it really is all that important to spend so much time on it. There are a few things that I have had to look up to make sure I know what I'm talking about, but for the most part it's all worked out pretty well.

In other news...we are enrolling about 80 million kids per night at Gymnastics City. Add to that the fact that we've got a bunch of kids doing make-ups for snow days and this past week has been crazy. Then Wednesday night one of our teachers hurt her knee, so she couldn't come in Thursday. Then another called in with car trouble. I was trying to figure out how we could arrange things to have enough teachers and finally just called Mom and asked her to go pick up the teacher who was broken down and bring him to gym! :) Mrs. Tucker laughed a lot at that, but it worked!

I've noticed something amazing about public school kids. They have the ability to blow their nose silently. As in, they make no noise. I don't see how that is possible. But apparently they do it. As a homeschooler I guess I never had any chance to worry about my friends (or enemies) staring at me while I blew my nose. Interesting how your up bringing affects you in so many little ways.

Last night Mom made annabread. Annabread is the most wonderful thing ever. When Anna was little she couldn't eat full blown whole wheat bread, so Mom would make a half and half mix that she baked in butter in the over. BJ and I would always beg and beg for some and Mom normally gave us each a piece, but it never seemed like enough. We were always slightly upset that Anna got so much more than we did. It's not like we were getting something special by being able to eat whole wheat...why did she get the best stuff ever because she coudldn't? Most of those feelings are now gone (or at least burried rather deeply) but nonetheless I was very happy to receive my fair portion last night. :)


BonnieJean said...

Yes, I'm totally with you on the Anna-Bread thing!

Anna said...

I am so glad to hear that y'all have so many kids enrolling at Gym!!! A year ago, two years ago the numbers didn't look so good.