Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am coming to hate my computer. I can't really justify purchasing a new one for at least a couple more months but I'm really sick of the fact that anything even slightly taxing throughs it into thorough and complete fits. Wanting to watch a simple movie trailer online? Good luck! Operate two programs, at the same time? Well...I'm not sure about that. And don't even think about trying anything when the anti-virus is running scans! It's highly annoying.

So, what else is new...Wednesday night was interesting at boss was a little edgy and we were a couple teachers short...not all that fun. I wish I wasn't a floater...I don't have any classes that I am actually in charge of teaching...but I'm in charge of making sure that each class is covered and dealing with absent teachers, etc. This means that most of the time I end of running all over the gym, jumping from class to class.

Wednesday night I stayed for tumbling class with Ethan. Wow...I haven't tumbled seriously in a very, very long time. I am way out of shape for that kind of work. So I've started doing a little bit each night...ouch! I'm not used to this. It's so easy the first's two mornings later that you feel it!

I'm reading the Book Thud! and enjoying it a lot. It's awesome.

And now I have to go get my hair cut. Fare well, fair readers. (And good luck to those of you with darker skin, too.)


Anna said...

And your little 15 inch screen is so tiny!

Fair reader--that's me, that's me, that's me!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fair reader, too!

BonnieJean said...

Hmm..I don't usually think of myself as fair-skinned, but since it's winter, a look in the mirror informs me that I qualify right now.

Chera said...

I have kind of yellowish European skin, so I am not sure if I fit into either category.