Sunday, January 04, 2009

Cool new look. And comments are back! What think ye?


Anna said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...


Chera said...

Nice! :-)

Chera said...

I got your whole family hooked on Pyzam. I am such a bad influence. hehe.

BonnieJean said...

Yes, Chera, you've been a terrible influence on our family. =) I've even recommended Pyzam to a lady I can't even truly claim to know. Oh, and Mama was looking through their templates last night...she's going to be changing hers too just as soon as she can make up her mind between several very lovely ones.

Samuel, as you already know, I think it looks great. =) As a matter of fact, I like it even better on my computer screen (this is the first time I've seen it on my own computer). The golden yellows glow even more now it seems to me.