Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Pearls Before Swine rocks. So much more than For Better or For Worse or Cathy. Those are horrible. Pearls Before Swine is the way comics are supposed to be.

So I've completed two days of my internship. Yesterday was really, really boring. The students were doing worksheets all days, so I got to stair at the tops of their heads as they leaned over their desks and wrote. For six hours. was boring. Today the lesson was on subject verb agreement...I watched two classes of that and then asked the teacher if I could try my hand at it. Technically I'm supposed to observe the first week and then start teaching the second, but I was already getting bored. S/V agreement is not my favorite topic but it sure beats sitting. So I taught that...and actually had a good time doing it. We did a fun activity with people reprenting nouns and verbs and passing an s back and forth between them.

The sad part of all this is that I can no longer teach the homeschool gym class. :( I'm really going to miss that class...

In other news...last night at karate we had three of the Garza blackbelts show up! Mr. Garza and three of his kids were some of my first instructors and I have a lot of respect for them and their skills. The incredible thing was that when we lined up at the end of class I was standing in between Christina Garza and Josh Garza! That was...amazing and scary at the same time. (not scary as in "they're going to get me!" but as in "I'm in the same position as them and the lower belts are looking at my like I used to look at them!")

I'm going to get off now...there is more to write but I am very tired. Good night.


Chera said...

I love pearls before swine. It is so wonderfully sarcastic and perfect. There is a girl I know who, if she wrote comics, would create just such a strip! :-)

Anonymous said...

The new blog layout is lovely. So dramatic!