Saturday, February 14, 2009's been a long time since my last update. I'm sorry. These last couple weeks have been just a little bit hectic. Last semester I got an email from a friend who was doing his student teaching. His exact words were "full internship is hell." I must say that my experience has been far from that, but at the same time it certainly is keeping my very busy.

So...carbon monoxide poisoning. Naomi and I were in Tulsa for a gymnastics meet and on our way home we stopped for supper. As I was getting back on the highway we ended up stuck behind a guy who's car wouldn't move. So I jumped out and helped him push it down the road (actually, it was up the road). What I didn't think about was the fact that the car was still running and I was breathing in all the exhaust fumes. Not good. As soon as I got back in the car I was feeling weak and my heart was pounding very hard. I drove a little way down the highway, then had to pull over into a QuickTrip parking lot to rest because I was starting to feel pretty light-headed. After about ten minutes sitting in the parking lot my heart was still pounding and I was still light headed, so I called Mom. She came out with Anna and Ethan and they drove us home. I had a bad headache that night and the next day didn't feel so good...which put me way behind on school work. The good news is that I think I'm fine now.

Friday I gave my students their take-home final on the punctuation unit we've been doing. It's a killer. The rubric has twenty-five items on it. Looking back, it seems I would have done better to give two different assignments instead of one huge one. Oh well. We did do some fun stuff leading up to the assignment: Thursday we went into the computer lab and created comic strips. Then Friday we took those and started to write them out in narrative format, focusing on the punctuation. Monday they hand them in as their final.

Tonight we're having our annual valentine's party at gym. These are always very fun, and very tiring. It's basically open gym for four hours. Ethan and I will be juggling as well...I'm trying to figure out a way to tell the story of Jack and the Bean Stock with the diabolo.

Ok, I really haven't got time to write anything else. I'm off! Hopefully I can post again sometime soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you updated. It's funny that I like reading stuff I already know.