Monday, March 16, 2009

Hey look! It's not morbid! In fact, it's actually a little bit cute! It's a bird doing chin-ups!

I'm not really a list person, but for this week I have created a to-do list for myself. We are on spring break (glorious, wonderful spring break!) and I have several big projects and a couple small things that I really have to get done. Today I have to pay my credit card bill (already done), get my finger prints made (for teaching certificate), write a blog post, update my resume and complete standard one for my English portfolio. This should be enough to keep me busy today without totally overwhelming me.

School is going well. The Lord certainly answers prayers. For the past few weeks, I have been having something of a battle with one of the education specialists at NSU. Last week things come to head just before she was supposed to observe my teaching. I was certain she would give me a bad review. We prayed about it (a lot) the night before, and after she observed my lesson she said I did a great job and said it would be best if we just pretended all that other stuff had never happened.

Here's a picture of my classroo just before we started doing how-to presentations.

Yesterday Naomi and I went to Stillwater for a meet. It was a shame we had to miss church, but it was a fun meet anyway. Naomi got her bar routine completely by herself...including the long hang kip! This is a big deal. Katie almost got her kip, and Hannah got her low bar kip (second meet in a row!) and probably would have made the long hang kip, except she face-planted on her squat on, which kinda threw her off. We did fairly well on vault and not so grand on floor.

Anna is taking (and enjoying) a painting class this she is doing an abstract painting based on John 15.

And finally a couple pictures from a "portfolio party" we had at Michelle's house to work on some various school's Michelle's boys talking to Kim, and then Robin, one of the boys and Michelle's husband. pictures of Michelle...she was there, I swear!

And now, I shall leave you. I still have stuff left on my to-do list.


BonnieJean said...

Ah, yes, a very nice post! Much less depressing/neurotic. =)