Friday, March 06, 2009

Well, if I a reader of this blog, I would be somewhat concerned about the emotional state of the poor writer. It seems all the pictures he posts are of a rather dire nature. Now we're looking at fish never know where this blog will go next.

This week has been by far the hardest of my internship. Part of it is probably because Wednesday was the half-way point. Part of it is the fact that the students are very ready for spring break, but we have another full week before that begins. But mostly it's because of what's going on at gym.

Tuesday I wasn't supposed to be at work because I had to drive in to the main NSU campus for a full internship meeting. Typically these take all day. But for whatever reason they let us out early, so I got back to Claremore at around 3:40 and was able to make it into work. This turned out to be a God-thing.

We were doing bars in the nine and up class. I was coaching at one set of bars and my assistant was coaching another set. I looked over at her bar just as a kid stood up on the low bar and jumped to the high bar. Her left hand missed and her right just barely got it. As she fell she reached with her left hand for the floor, and I cringed. I don't actually remember what I did, but somehow I ended up next to her really fast. Her arm was broken.


Between her elbow and wrist her arm made a complete Z. My assistant was about to pass out just looking at it. The bone wasn't sticking out (thank God), but it was still bad. The kid at first didn't even seem to realize what had happened. I scooped her up quickly and carried her to the back room, grabbing Ms. Tucker, the gym owner, on the way. The girl was starting to panic, so I kept her calm while they found her mom and brought the head coach of the team in to do a quick splint on her arm. Then I carried her (as gently as I could figure out how) to her mom's car and they took her to the hospital.

The poor girl was a real trooper. I can't imagine what kind of pain she was in, but she never yelled and didn't even really cry much. We haven't heard from her Mom yet, but I suspect she had surgery on Wednesday and is hopefully recovering now.

So that pretty much ruined my week. I've always placed a really high emphasis on keeping my kids safe and even though there wasn't a single thing I could have done, it still really tore me up to see her hurt like that. After classes were over I sat in my car and cried.

So I think that's pretty much what made this week so tough.

In other (good) news, student presentations went VERY well this week. I was very happy with how the students did and with how they applied the public speaking rules I taught last week.

Another good piece of news...I passed my OPTE! I needed to pass that to get my teaching certificate and it was $150 to take it, so I'm very glad I don't have to retake it.

Ok, I need to sign off now and start working on stuff for my teaching portfolio that is due next Wednesday. Pray for my little girl; pray she has a complete and fast recovery.


Chera said...

Oh. My. Word. My whole body went into knots when I read about her hurting her arm like that. Ouch! I hate it when kids get hurt. Definitely praying.

Hey, congratulations on passing!!!

BonnieJean said...

Yes, congratulations, Samuel!

Also, I hope next week goes a lot better for you (and for the little gym student).

BonnieJean said...

P.S. And yes, I'm very concerned about the author of this blog. But, then again, I've always known him to be mentally unstable. Maybe you should have a talk with him. Be careful not to upset him, though; I've heard he's a black belt or something.

Anna said...

Poor little girl! I wonder how long we have to wait until it's appropriate to call her folks and find out how she's doing.